The Environmental, Human and Animal Effects of Using Potassium Bromate in Bread Industry and Chemical Analytical Methods
Journal ArticleBread is a staple food for many nations globally. It is prepared by mixing wheat or barley flour with water and other additives. Potassium bromate (KBrO3) is the most used additive in bread industry, because of its efficiency to make the bread cost-effective and favourable to consume. However, KBrO3 is toxic to human and animals due to its ability to affect several body organs, e.g., liver, bones, blood, renal and hepatic, therefore KBrO3 is classified as a carcinogenic chemical and banned for using in the bread industries in most countries. Even though, this material is still in use as bread improver in several countries, nevertheless several oxidising agents was suggested to use as replacements instead of KBrO3 that doesn’t have harmful effects to the consumers. Many technologies have been developed and applied to evaluate the residues of KBrO3 in bakery products. This review paper explored the use of potassium bromate as a flour additive, and its effect on human, animal and environment, and the chemical methods to assess its remains in bread industries.
Salem Irhema Salem Irhema, (05-2024), الجامعه الاسمريه: international conference, 2
Assessing the Drinking Water Quality, and its Commercial Purification Units Efficiency Distributed in Alassaba Municipality- Libya
Journal ArticleThe demand for drinking water is increasing daily due to the rising world population, alongside the leakage of water, overuse of groundwater, and occurrence of several pollution issues that led to reducing the quality of groundwater. Consequently, in most countries purifying water technologies have been used to obtain drinkable water. Nationally, Libyans use the purified water extensively in their daily needs. Accordingly, to ensure that our citizen utilize harmless water, the quality of the used water and the efficiency of purification units was assessed by analyzing several physical and chemical characteristics of purified water and raw water supplied to the purification units from some local wells and man-made river (MMR) using recommended standard methods. The study results showed that the quality of purified water is excellent, and the purification process reduced the pH, electro conductivity and the concentration of studied chemical properties significantly to values less than the optimum levels (OL) suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Libyan standards (LS) for drinking water. As a conclusion, the studied purified water may use in the daily needs of human with continuously analytical monitoring.
Salem Irhema Salem Irhema, (04-2024), جامعة سرت: Scientific Journal for the Faculty of Science-Sirte University, 4
Leaves micromorphology, chemical profile, and bioactivity of in vitro-propagated Nepeta cyrenaica (Lamiaceae)
Journal ArticleAbstractIntroduction
The endemic species Nepeta cyrenaica Quézel & Zaffran, native to northeastern Libya, is valued as an important honey-bearing plant.
This study was aimed to examine the micromorphology, phytochemistry, and bioactivity of in vitro-propagated N. cyrenaica for the first time.
Materials and Methods
The leaf indumentum was examined using light and scanning electron microscopy and further characterised for histochemistry. The chemical composition of essential oil (EO) was performed using GC-MS analysis, while dichloromethane (DCM), methanol (ME), ethanol (ET), and aqueous (AQ) extracts were analysed using qualitative and quantitative LC/MS analyses. The antioxidant activities of EO and extracts were assessed using three parallel assays, while enzyme-inhibiting effects were evaluated against four enzymes.
The leaves bear various types of glandular trichomes, with lipophilic secretion predominating. The main EO component of EO was 1,8-cineole. A considerable number of phenolics and iridoids were tentatively identified in the ME extract. Quantitative LC/MS analysis confirmed that ferulic acid, rosmarinic acid, and epigallocatechin gallate were present in the highest amount in the extracts, in which three iridoids were also quantified. Although the ME extract contained the highest amount of polyphenolics and iridoids, the DCM extract showed the best overall biological potential. Additionally, EO exerted the strongest acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase inhibition.
This study demonstrated that the endemic N. cyrenaica can be efficiently grown under in vitro conditions, where it develops various glandular trichomes that are thought to secrete and/or accumulate bioactive compounds with valuable medicinal potential.
Abdulhamid Ahmed Massoud Giweli, (08-2023), ٍSerbia: Phytochemical Analysis Jornal, 34
Accounting for plastic waste with Zintan waste dump and its impact on the environment, man and plant حصر النفايات البلاستيكية بمكب نفايات الزنتان وتأثيره على البيئة والانسان والنبات
مقال في مجلة علميةAbstract
Plastics have an important and vital role to play in today’s life. While there is no industrial product without one type of plastic, the increasing volume and accumulation of Plastics waste and the damage it does to human beings and the environment has led to growing concerns in the world. The increasing and accumulated volume of plastic waste has resulted in damage that has filled the world’s continents, seas, and oceans by containing unresolved polymeric and chemical materials. Then he sorted some waste and found a plastics ratio of about 30.4% of the total household garbage. The results also showed the number of individual waste products at 0.023 kg/person. / Today. The amount of waste. Produced per year is 21,718 tons. The volume of plastics is estimated at 6.602 tons per year. Vegetation close to the landfill site was also affected, leading to its removal
عمر الطاهر عمر الهلاك، (07-2023)، HNSJ, 2023, 4(7); مجلة العلوم الإنسانية والطبيعية، 7
Inventory and study of some annual plant species in the City of Zintan حصر و دراسة لبعض الأنواع النباتية الحولية داخل مدينة الزنتان
مقال في مجلة علميةSummary
This study was conducted during the months of February and March of the year 2023 within the Zintan city plan.
of which.
then, he counted (56) species of naturally growing annual plants.
these species belong to (45) genera distributed over (22) families.
the results also showed the life forms of species present in the study area, where the number of above-surface plants was (3) with a percentage of (5.3%).
) and the number of terrestrial plants (1), with a rate of (1.8%), and the number of semi-terrestrial plants (10) species, with a rate of (17.9%), while the largest number was seasonal plants (therophytes, which reached (35) species, with a percentage of (62.5%) and based on the number of plant species, four species were dominant in the study area, which is the most abundant species (asteraceae), with (13) species, followed by (brassicaceae) represented by (8) species, then poaceae).
it is represented by (6) types of annual plants, followed by the leguminous family (faboidceae), which is represented by (5) species.
it was also found that perennial plants are represented by (13 species), and annual plants are represented by (43 species) belongs to Mediterranean Sea.
عمر الطاهر عمر الهلاك، (04-2023)، الاكاديمية الافريقية لدراسات المتقدمة: الاكاديمية الافريقية لدراسات المتقدمة، 2
تقدير تركيز بعض العناصرالثقيلة في بعض أنواع التوابل المباعة في الأسواق المحلية
مقال في مجلة علميةتعد التوابل إحدى أهم المصادر التي يسبب إستهلاكها تراكم ماتحتويه من عناصر ثقيلة في جسم الإنسان مسببة له اضرار صحية مختلفة، ويرجع تلوث محاصيل التوابل بهذه العناصر لاستخدام الأسمدة والمبيدات بأنواعهما والأنبعاثات الصناعية وخاصة مخلفات التعدين. لذلك علينا تتبع محتوى بعض التوابل المباعة في بلدنا من العناصر الثقيلة بهدف حماية المستهلك تم تجميع عينات من من أكثر أنواع التوابل استخداما بليبيا وهم القرفة والزنجبيل وعود اللحم والقرنفل والكركم والفلفل الأسود والكروية من منطقتى الأصابعة وتغسات، بالإضافة لمخلوط مطحون من هذه التوابل المُسمى محليا بالبزار، فتم استخلاص ما تحتويه من الرصاص (Pb) والكادميوم (Cd) والنحاس (Cu) والزنك (Zn) والحديد (Fe) والكروم (Cr) والمنجنيز (Mn) باستخدام حامض النيتريك المركز وتقديرها في المستخلص الحامضى باستخدام مطيافية الأمتصاص الذرى. فبينت النتائج أن جميع العينات المدروسة احتوت على كميات مختلفه من العناصر المستهدفة بالدراسة حيث تراوح متوسط تركيزها من 0.07 0.001 ميكروجرام/ جرام من Cd في الفلفل الأسود هندى المصدرإلي 2.66 0.39 ميكروجرام/ جرام Cu في القرنفل، وكانت تراكيز معظم هذه العناصر دون الحدود المسموح بها من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO)، إلا عنصري Cd وCr فقد كانت كمياتهما أعلى من الحدود المسموع بها من WHO في الغالبية العظمى من التوابل قيد البحث. وبينت النتائج أن الكميه المتناولة يوميا من العناصر قيد الدراسة نتيجة لاستهلاك التوابل كانت أقل من الحدود المسموح بها للجرعة اليومية منها من قبل WHO. ختاما لوحظ إحتواء التوابل والبزار المُصنع منها والمباعة بمنطقتى الدراسه على كميات من العناصر الثقيلة وبذلك استهلاكها بأستمرار يشكل خطر على صحة الإنسان.
سالم رحيمه سالم رحيمه، (12-2022)، جامعة الزاوية: مجلة رواق الجكمه، 12
علاقة النبات بالتربة في منطقة غابة الكشاف الزنتان
مقال في مجلة علميةهدف الدراسة الي تقييم الغطاء النباتي الطبيعي وتحليله لمعرفه المجتمعات النباتية السائدة والتي لم تتأثر بالتحضر ونشاط الأنسان الزائد في المنطقة، ودراسة علاقة الغطاء النباتي بالبيئة المحيطة. والنتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من هذه الدراسة يمكن تلخيصها على النحو التالي. تم تحليل الكساء النباتي باستخدام عشرة مواقع (0.50×0.50سم) لمعرفة إنتاجه النباتات والسائد منها وتصنيفها. تبين من الدراسة وجود ارتباط قوي بين عوامل التربة وتوزيع الكساء النباتي على الحاجز الرملي وكانت أهم العوامل كربونات الكالسيوم وملوحة التربة. وتشير عمليات الرصد الحقلي للغطاء النباتي لفصل الربيع – 2022م حيث تم تسجيل أربعين نوع نباتي تنتمي الي سبعة عشر عائله نباتيه، ويقطن بالمنطقة عدد من الأنواع النباتية السائدة والتي بها الكثير من التباين في النوع والكثافة. معظم النباتات المسجلة ذات طابع مستديم، جميع الأنواع التي سجلت خلال الدراسة الحالية لها العديد من الأدوار والأهمية البيئية والاقتصادية.
عمر الطاهر عمر الهلاك، (10-2022)، مجلة الجامعي: مجلة الجامعة، 35
Microplastic in the agro-ecosystem
Journal ArticleThe pollution of the Earth-system by microplastics (MPs) has attracted the scientific community's attention during the last decade due to the ability of MPs to alter the soil and agronomic lands properties and affect the soil flora and fauna, and thus via food chain may harm human health. The current review attempted to survey several previous studies to demonstrate the possible sources of MPs in soil characterised as primary and secondary sources depending on the way MPs are generated. Most of MPs released from these sources ended into the soil and can emigrate within soil profile, which negatively affects several physiochemical soil properties, soil biota, and plants that may alter biodiversity and agronomic land productivity. The bioremediation of MPs-polluted terrestrial environment using some microorganisms is an optimum economic and eco-friendly technology. This review is a first step to help researchers identify the main sources and effects of MPs pollution in Libyan farmlands to stand up on the current levels of these substances in soil and suggest future strategies to avoid possible harm impacts of MPs pollution over our country. ا
Salem Irhema Salem Irhema, (06-2022), سبها: Libyan Journal of Ecological & Environmental Sciences and Technology, 4
Antioxidant and enzyme inhibiting properties of extracts of in vitro grown Nepeta cyrenaica Quézel & Zaffran (Lamiaceae)
Journal ArticleAbstract:
Nepeta cyrenaica Quézel & Zaffran (Lamiaceae), an endemic species of Libyan flora, is here characterized for the first time for its phytochemical composition and biological activities. Phenolic composition, antioxidant and enzyme inhibiting effects of extracts, prepared from five-week-old in vitro propagated N. cyrenaica shoots, were evaluated. Extraction was performed using dichloromethane, methanol, 96% ethanol or hot distilled water. LC-MS analysis showed that the methanol extract contained the highest amount of phenolic components, especially ferulic and rosmarinic acids (1300.73 mg/kg and 528.88 mg/kg, respectively), and epigallocatechin gallate (719.05 mg/kg). The strongest antioxidant activity was recorded for aqueous extract in DPPH assay (66.91%) and dichloromethane extract in β-carotene bleaching assay (81.06%), both tested at the concentration of 2 mg/mL. Concerning α-glucosidase inhibition, dichloromethane extract was shown to possess a higher inhibition capacity than acarbose at the concentration of 2 mg/mL (95.33% vs. 88.29%). The aqueous extract exhibited higher acetylcholinesterase inhibition than the other tested extracts, which was lower compared to the positive control, galantamine. Although methanol extract contained the highest amount of polyphenolics, dichloromethane and aqueous extracts were shown to be more suitable for the extraction of bioactive components. In conclusion, endemic N. cyrenaica could be efficiently propagated through in vitro propagation protocols as a polyphenolic-rich plant with valuable medicinal potential.
Keywords: biological activities; extracts; in vitro propagation; Nepeta cyrenaica
Abdulhamid Ahmed Massoud Giweli, (11-2021), ٍSerbia: international conference, 7
Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 and Emergence of UK Variant in Zintan City of Libya
Journal ArticleAbstract
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious res-
piratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. The disease was first broke out in
Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and subsequently spread to all countries
and was considered by WHO as a worldwide pandemic. This study is aimed
to determine the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 and the presence of UK va-
riants in Zintan city of Libya taking some risk factors into account. Me-
thods: In a cross-sectional retrospective study, a total of 15486 nasopha-
ryngeal swabs were collected from COVID-19 suspected patients, travelers
and people need disease-free certificates for hospital admission, etc. The
samples were collected during the period from August 2020 to June 2021
and tested using real-time RT -PCR (rRT-PCR) kits for SARS-CoV-2 and
UK variants. Age groups, sex, and monthly weather were considered as risk
factors. Results: The positivity rate of COVID-19 in Zintan city was esti-
mated to be (3891; 25.12%) for the period from August 2020 to June 2021.
Females showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher positivity rate (2100; 54%) as
compared to males (1791; 46%). Out of the 3891 positive cases, 52 were de-
ceased. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) was 1.33 recorded significantly in cas-
es aged ≥ 65 years which was higher in males (56.66%) than females (43.33%).
The peak of the first wave of infection was recorded in October 2020 (590;
15.15%) whereas the peak of the second wave of infection was recorded in
April 2021 (727; 18.71%). The positivity rate was decreased as the tempera-
ture increased. UK variant is detected firstly in May 2021 with the percen-
tage of 6.2% of tested samples. Conclusions: Health Authorities are en-
crease phase of infection to stop transmission of the virus in the next wave.
Early detection of new variants and studying their genetic characteristics
play a valuable role in prevention and control.
2, UK Variant, Epidemiology, Zintan,
Libya, rRT
Abdulhamid Ahmed Massoud Giweli, (10-2021), UK: Open Journal of Epidemiology,, 11